Workouts for 100m & 200m Acceleration and Speed

For short sprinters (100m/200m/100m H), acceleration and speed are essential.

To become a faster sprinter, you need to come out of the blocks with great acceleration. Once you reach your maximum speed, the athlete must maintain it throughout the rest of their race.

In order to do this, your training must focus on both acceleration and speed. The following contains workouts that focus on these two categories.

When doing these workouts, be sure to do a proper warm-up beforehand. This includes some preliminary movements, stretches, and drills. For the best results, you should run these workouts at the described pace and distance with extreme focus and a competition mindset. It is essential to do the type of sprinting you will be doing in competition during practice. 


These workouts will be over shorter distances and have intense reps with close to full recovery. Focus on exploding forward and increasing turnover.

All acceleration workouts without a sled should be done out of blocks.

  • 25 m, 30 m, 35 m x 4 reps

    After each run rest for 1 to 2 minutes. After an entire rep (25-30-35), rest for 5 minutes. Focus on explosive quick movements, low heel recovery, arm swing, and posture.

  • 30 m, 35 m, 50 m x 4 reps

    After each run rest for 2 to 3 minutes. After an entire rep (30--35-50), rest for 5 minutes. Like for the above workout, pay a lot of attention to proper sprinting mechanics.

  • 60 m Sled Pulls x 10 reps

    After each 60m sled pull, rest for 3 minutes.

    Reminder: Do not do the sled pulls out of blocks.

  • 60 m x 10 reps

    After each 60m run, rest for 5 minutes. These runs should be at 100% output. Focus on proper sprint mechanics.


These workouts will be over longer distances. They still place an emphasis on high intensity runs and have full recovery.

These speed workouts should not be done out of blocks.

  • {Accelerate for 45 m – Float for 60 m – Accelerate for 70 m} x 5 reps

    Before the workout, place cones at the appropriate measurements.

    The1st acceleration phase should be focused on an intense start. The Float phase is focused on maintaining speed. During the 2nd acceleration phase, sprint and try to increase your speed by increasing turnover.

  • 8 x 150m

    After each, 150m rest for 3 minutes. Make sure to these with intensity running each 150m at around 80 - 90% of your maximum speed.

  • 6 x 120m, 3 X 90 m

    After each 120m rest for 5 minutes. The 120s should be run at 85% + intensity.

    After each 90m, walkback and run the next one (i.e. no rest). These should be done at maximum intensity.

  • 2 x 180 m, 3 x 150m (5’)

    After each run, rest for 5 minutes. The runs should be at 90%+ intensity.

    With a longer rest time and fewer reps, aim to get close times for runs of the same distances.


Workouts for 400m Speed & Acceleration


9 Intense Bodyweight Squats