Beginner Track and Field Training Drills: Developing Essential Skills

This article is inspired form of Track & Field Pre-Season Conditioning by Brad Hackett.

Track and field is a popular sport that requires a combination of physical and mental skills. For beginners, mastering the basics is essential before advancing to more complex techniques. This article will focus on beginner track and field training drills that will help new athletes build a solid foundation.

Why Track and Field Training Drills are Important

Track and field training drills are essential because they help to develop specific skills that are crucial for success in the sport. By focusing on individual skills, athletes can improve their overall performance, reduce the risk of injury, and increase their confidence.

Sprint Drills

Sprint drills are designed to improve speed and technique. Some of the best sprint drills for beginners include:

High Knee Drill

The high knee drill is an effective way to improve running form and technique. To do this drill, athletes should stand in place and lift their knees as high as possible, bringing them up to waist height. The movement should be repeated several times, focusing on keeping the upper body relaxed.

Butt Kicks

Butt kicks are another great sprint drill that helps athletes improve their speed and technique. To perform this drill, athletes should run in place, kicking their heels up to their buttocks with each step.


A-Skips are an excellent drill for developing footwork, coordination, and speed. To perform this drill, athletes should lift one knee as high as possible while driving the opposite arm forward. Then, they should repeat the movement with the opposite leg and arm.

Jumping Drills

Jumping drills are essential for developing power, strength, and explosiveness. Some of the best jumping drills for beginners include:

Box Jumps

Box jumps are a great way to improve explosive power in the legs. To perform this drill, athletes should start by standing in front of a box or platform. Then, they should jump onto the box, landing with both feet at the same time.

Standing Long Jump

The standing long jump is an excellent drill for developing leg power and explosiveness. To perform this drill, athletes should stand in place and jump forward as far as possible, landing on both feet.

Tuck Jumps

Tuck jumps are an excellent drill for developing explosive power in the legs and core. To perform this drill, athletes should start by standing in place. Then, they should jump up as high as possible, bringing their knees up to their chest before landing.

Throwing Drills

Throwing drills are essential for developing upper body strength and technique. Some of the best throwing drills for beginners include:

Overhead Throws

Overhead throws are an excellent drill for developing upper body strength and technique. To perform this drill, athletes should hold a medicine ball above their head and throw it as far as possible.

Chest Passes

Chest passes are a great way to improve upper body strength and throwing technique. To perform this drill, athletes should stand facing a partner and throw a ball back and forth, focusing on keeping their elbows up and using their chest muscles.

Wall Throws

Wall throws are an excellent drill for developing arm strength and technique. To perform this drill, athletes should stand facing a wall and throw a ball against it as hard as possible, focusing on using their arms and shoulders.

In conclusion, beginner track and field training drills are essential for developing the skills necessary for success in the sport. By incorporating these drills into their training regimen, athletes can improve their speed, power, technique, and overall performance. With consistent practice and hard work, new athletes can develop a solid foundation that will enable them to advance to more complex techniques and achieve their goals in the sport.


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