9 Minute Plank Workout for Runners
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Develop improved control and stability with this specialized plank workout.
This 10 min core blaster is a great way to develop your abdominal strength through the lower, middle, and upper regions of your abs.
Each exercise is done for sixty seconds. After completing an exercise, immediately begin the following exercise.

Make sure each plank is done with proper form. For a forward plank, place your elbows parallel to your hands, directly underneath your shoulders with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your back flat and your head and neck neutral. Squeeze your quads, glutes, and core.

For a reverse plank, keep your body in the same plank like position same position. However, now you will be facing towards the ceiling. Do not allow your hips or butt to sink towards the ground.
Plank Exercises
F – Forward Plank; B – Reverse Plank
F, Shoulder Touches
F, Forearm Plank
B, Forearm Plank
F, Plank
B, Plank
Elbow Side Plank
Regular Side Plank
F, Plank Knee to Elbow
B, Plank Knee to Chest
For the most benefit, implement these exercises at the end or middle of your regular routine.
Keep reading for additional tips and instructions for each exercise.
Shoulder Touches:
Modifications are made by lowering the feet (less difficult) or raising the feet (more difficult). If you want increased rigor you can also add weights.
Forearm Plank:
Modifications to increase the intensity of this plank can be made by lifting up a leg or arm from the ground.
While doing the forearm plank, make sure to keep your body in a neutral, straight line.
Side Plank:

Modifications to make the exercise less difficult can be done by planking on your knees or placing your hands on your hips.
To increase the intensity of this exercise, lift your hand up towards the sky.
As when you do normal planks, ensure your body resembles a straight line, as much as possible. Extra attention will need to be focused on preventing your hip from dipping closer to the ground.
Plank Knee to Elbow:
Start in a proper plank position with hands shoulder-width apart and ab muscles engaged. Lift your right foot towards your right elbow. Return the right foot back to full plank position. Repeat on the left side, moving your left foot towards your left elbow.
Note: How your abs look is largely based upon two factors: what you eat and genetic factors. So, if your concern is visual make sure to focus on these factors, in addition to strengthening exercises.
Disclaimer: All exercises have the potential risk of injury. Do not use these exercises as medical guidance. You should consult with your doctor, as needed, before engaging in a new fitness routine. See our Terms of Use for more details.