The Ultimate Jump Rope Circuit Workout
Jump rope circuits are great for improving athletic and track & field performance.
With winter coming soon and a global pandemic still occurring, many athletes around the world will have to head inside to train. Jump rope is a great exercise for athletes that may not have the equipment or a track, but are still dedicated to putting in the work.
In general, jumping rope is great for athletes that run/jump or need to have endurance. Jump rope circuits can help improve endurance, increase the elasticity/resiliency of the muscles surrounding the calves + lower muscles, and increase explosiveness. It also burns a lot of calories, improves the cardiovascular system, and can prevent foot/ankle injuries.
When done in a circuit, like the one below, jumping rope will help athletes become more explosive and have better endurance.
Before we get started. You need to know there are 2 ways to position your feet when you jump rope.
Two Ways to Jump:
On the Balls of Your Feet: Jumping on your toes is the natural way to jump rope. This is essentially jumping on the balls of your feet, like when you run.
On the Heels of Your Feet: Jump either with your entire foot touching the ground or only your heels while your toes are flexed upwards. Jumping rope on the heels of your feet is harder than jumping on your toes, but it engages the calves more and requires more energy.
In this jump circuit, you will jump on both the heels and balls of your feet. Make sure to try both ways of placing your feet before you begin the circuit.
For this workout be sure to have a timer, water, and, of course, a jump rope. This circuit is designed to get harder as you go along. So, power through & you’ll definitely see the benefits next time you hit the track.
To decrease the difficulty, lower the speed that you jump at and have longer breaks.
To maximize the difficulty, increase the speed that you jump and rest for a minimum of 15 seconds.
Circuit – Jump ‘till You Drop:
5 min - Regular Jump Rope (On Balls of Feet)
15 sec Break
5 min – Regular Jump Rope (On Heels)
15 - 30 sec Break
2 min – High Knees (On Balls of Feet)
15 - 30 sec Break
1 min – Jump Only on Right Leg (Position feet any way you like)
1 min – Jump Only on Left Leg (Position feet any way you like)
15 - 30 sec Break
1 min – High/Tuck Jumps (Position feet any way you like)
1 min – Side-to-Side (Position feet any way you like)
2 min – Skipping (Position feet any way you like)
15 - 30 sec Break
2 min - Regular Jump Rope (On Balls of Feet)
15 - 30 sec Break
2 min – Regular Jump Rope (On Heels)
1 min – Reverse Direction (Position feet any way you like)
Potential ways to Integrate the Circuit:
3-4 times a week in the morning
1-2 twice a week after a workout